Connectable - How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All-In

World's 1st Book to Address Loneliness at Work

Published by McGraw Hill 2022

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About the book.

Remote work, advancing technology, and an always-on work culture are fracturing our relationships resulting in deep disconnection. A colossal 72% of global workers feel lonely at least monthly; with 55% saying at least weekly. Not only is loneliness unhealthy, but employee productivity, loyalty, collaboration, and engagement all decrease when employees are lonely. Reducing isolation is good for worker well-being and for business.

The book includes...

  • 2,000+ Workers Surveyed Worldwide
  • 50 Global Organizations Interviewed
  • 2 Years of Research
  • 1 Proven Less Loneliness Framework™
Connectable - How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All-In (3D) copyConnectable - How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All-In (3D)
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Readers will learn...

• An awareness of loneliness, the modern causes, and how it is impacting health and business.

• A firm understanding of belonging, why it’s needed at work, and how to identify workers who are in need of it.

• Actionable strategies to lessen loneliness and boost belonging at work via the Less Loneliness Framework™ (pictured).

• An ability to connect workers to the team, work, and a purpose.

About the Authors

Ryan Jenkins Digital Res

Ryan Jenkins, CSP

An internationally-recognized keynote speaker, virtual trainer, and author of Connectable: How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All-In. For a decade, he has helped organizations lessen worker loneliness, create inclusive cultures, and prepare for the future of work. He is also co-founder of, the premier resource for addressing workplace loneliness. Ryan lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife, three children, and yellow Labrador.

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Steve Van Cohen, MSOD

A global leadership consultant, workshop trainer, and author of Connectable: How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All-In. Steven has spent 12 years working with hundreds of leaders from organizations like Salesforce, The Home Depot, Komatsu, and Bridgestone, helping them improve worker well-being, reduce employee isolation, and boost team belonging. He is also co-founder of Steven lives in San Juan Capistrano, CA with his wife and two daughters.